Missouri Teacher Retirement: Retirement Design Lab Webinar

After decades of dedication educating and helping young students grow their own futures, it’s time that you as a Missouri educator turn your attention inward. Imagine a future where you can explore hobbies and passions long left on the shelf. Whether it's traveling the world, spending quality time with loved ones, or simply relaxing, retirement can be a golden chapter in your life. But achieving this dream requires careful planning, guidance, and decision-making.

Retirement Design Lab hosts retirement-focused seminars and webinars to educate and guide you on your retirement journey. Our experienced financial and wealth advisors present the ins and outs of essential topics like visualizing your retirement, maximizing your pension, understanding Social Security, and how to make informed and guided saving and investment choices

For Missouri educators, two Wealth Advisors from SRG Financial Advisors, Nick Wages and Tyler Bannister, host a webinar called “Retirement Planning for Missouri State Teachers Association Members.” We talked with them about what you may learn in the webinar and how, in the words of author Mark Twain, “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”

Register for their webinar October 29th at 12:00pm CST HERE.

Register for their webinar November 12th at 12:00pm CST HERE.

Register for their webinar November 12th at 5:00pm CST HERE.

Teacher Retirement in Missouri

Think of your retirement income plan like a three-legged barstool, Wages says. “There’s your pension, potential Social Security benefits, and distributions from your individual retirement savings needed to be equally supportive for the stool (your plan), to be sturdy.”

The webinar hosted by Wages and Bannister covers the important parts of your retirement income plan to know. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to retirement. The agenda for the webinar includes a retirement planning overview, discussions around your pension and social security, and saving and investing for your retirement.

While attending the webinar may provide you with valuable retirement information, we wanted to share a taste of what may be discussed. Regarding pensions and understanding the difference in the Missouri education system, Wages explained the difference in his words:

“The primary differences between PSRS and PEERS are the contribution rates, benefit factors that play a role in determining your lifetime benefit payment, and whether the pensions are covered vs. non-covered (whether you pay into Social Security or not). PSRS members pay into the pension plan at higher contribution rates than PEERS members, but consequently receive higher benefit factors. Generally, most PSRS members do not pay Social Security tax, whereas PEERS members do pay into Social Security. When thinking about the three-legged barstool, it’s important to understand how the pension system you’re a part of could impact potential Social Security benefits for you and your spouse.”

The goal is to help you understand the important factors that may affect your retirement so you can ask the right questions to further your financial journey.

Who Are Nick, Tyler, and SRG?

Nick Wages and Tyler Bannister are two Wealth Advisors with SRG Financial Advisors in Missouri. SRG Financial Advisors help build comprehensive financial plans that go beyond investments. Their Mile Marker FORMula integrates wealth management, tax planning, risk management, and legacy planning for a secure financial future.

“At SRG, we believe all decisions affecting retirement planning should be made in the context of a comprehensive plan and process,” Wages says. “For this, we use the Mile Marker FORMula, understanding where each client is on their journey to and through retirement, what mile markers (critical financial or life events) they’re likely to encounter and when, and what unexpected mile markers they may experience and how to effectively plan for them.”

Just like travel plans, the route can change, says Wages. “We use an ongoing planning process to adapt to our clients lifestyle and life circumstance changes to ensure their plan is always up to date.”

If you’re a Missouri State Teachers Association member and would like to attend this webinar, sign up below and learn more about what you can do for your retirement journey.

Register for their webinar October 29th at 12:00pm CST HERE.

Register for their webinar November 12th at 12:00pm CST HERE.

Register for their webinar November 12th at 5:00pm CST HERE.

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